⤎i'll be logging anything music related here (and i mean anything). i'll organize this as more stuff is added D:

Viernes 12 de abril de 2024.

i have some stuff to rant about, none really interesting:

✰ i'm seriously considering getting tickets for mana and kaya tea party in chile (worth half my salary more or less). after dir en grey's european tour poll, i said my life is in their hands because they are the only ones with a large enough vkei community that the dir's headquarters may consider touring at, and that i'd willingly ask for a loan to travel there if needed, but i would've never considered a vkei event would be announced the very morning after. i've never travelled by myself, but the fact chile's capital is as far as my own country's capital (12 hours by var) and low cost airline expenses are similar makes me feel a little less scared, plus, i can ask to stay at some friend's relatives (there's a huge chilean population where i live, and somehow, everyone in my main group of friends descend from pinochet era emigrants but me). wish me luck :,(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

✰ got apartment26's hallucinating and deftones' white pony cds at a record trade event (i genuinely don't know how to describe it) around. i feel insane about apartment26 one since they disbanded a good while ago and never sold many copies here, so i had to get it after having a small industrial talk with the seller i had to quickly run away from before he started to rant about the good old days in the 90s while under our own arab muslim thatcher government. on the other hand, i'm not a fan of deftones stuff except for around the fur, which i used to listen religiously as a angsty, bullied thirteen-year-old. i saw a few deftones records in another stall and the seller told me she has just sold around the fur to some guy in a group of wealthy kids next to me and got so mad about it i had to buy the white pony record they were considering getting before they could.

Miércoles 3 de abril de 2024.

This is a test! Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Gummi bears donut brownie I love shortbread I love. Biscuit pastry topping soufflé wafer sugar plum. Biscuit shortbread icing lollipop candy canes gingerbread chupa chups cake. Candy canes tootsie roll jujubes fruitcake lollipop icing. Muffin cake tiramisu caramels bear claw I love macaroon. Tart pastry sesame snaps pudding marzipan cupcake toffee dragée. Candy canes cake jelly candy canes danish. Chupa chups sugar plum chupa chups macaroon donut.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Gummi bears donut brownie I love shortbread I love. Biscuit pastry topping soufflé wafer sugar plum. Biscuit shortbread icing lollipop candy canes gingerbread chupa chups cake. Candy canes tootsie roll jujubes fruitcake lollipop icing. Muffin cake tiramisu caramels bear claw I love macaroon. Tart pastry sesame snaps pudding marzipan cupcake toffee dragée. Candy canes cake jelly candy canes danish. Chupa chups sugar plum chupa chups macaroon donut.